How to Protect Your Brand on Social Media

Community E-Commerce Social Media User-generated content
 Updated July 30, 2020
Written by Merlene Leano

Social media, a popular pool of user-generated content that could either make or break your reputation online. Despite any possible repercussions, social media has opened various opportunities for several brands to gain visibility and stability online. It served as a perfect marketing channel for companies to help them heighten their customer relationship all while improving the overall reputation of their brand.

It is an encompassing marketing tool that you can use for various purposes such as email marketing, messaging, and influencer marketing, to name a few. 

Those who do not know any better would instantly trust everything they see and everyone they meet on social media. Even businesses without prior background on how using the said channel to promote their services and products would succumb to deceptive ploys fabricated by competitors and naysayers.

So why does one need social media brand protection?

Do Not Lose Control: Protect Your Brand Name At All Costs

Social media has been an integral part of everyone’s life ever since its appearance in the 1970s. The first social networking platform ever introduced was named Six Degrees and is the skeleton of what Facebook is today. In 1999, blogging platforms rose to fame. If you think about it, the social media platforms today are the epitome of technological advancement. They mixed the premise of creating a profile and blogging into one unique platform and has since produced several different forms of creative self-expression and interaction among individuals from all walks of life. People can now post photos, videos, texts, even gifs at some point which are made as reactions or comments to what their peers share online .

Social Media has played a vital role not only for individuals who want to reach out to their loved ones, relatives, and friends but also to companies and aspiring entrepreneurs aiming to succeed in their chosen niche. These are the very same individuals who want their brands to become household names and be known worldwide.

Connecting to pre-existing customers and targets has become effortless with the emergence of different social networking sites, namely Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. All these platforms have leveraged strategies for anticipating customer engagement, team productivity, and scouting competition more easily. 

But, it is still crucial to have complete control over your brand on social media to prevent various key aspects of building your company—that includes keeping a close watch over your competitors, trolls, scammers, and spammers. It is paramount to prevent them from jeopardizing and compromising your brand’s online reputation.

Building your business’ social media pages means that you are revealing who you are and what you can offer to your audience. It enables you to showcase the persona and the voice of your brand. Your online presence confirms that you are a reputable company, and so your top priority should be to have complete control over your brand’s name on social media. Otherwise, you lose sight of a determining factor for your target audience in assessing whether you are worth supporting or not.

As prolific as it looks, maximizing the internet and social media can also be quite challenging, especially when it comes to consistently protecting your brand reputation in the long run. One wrong post can cause a cascade of embarrassments as well as a possible massive loss in your business revenue.

Aside from this, there is a possibility that you would be turned into a meme where various toxic comments and false accusations thrown at you could bury your brand deeper underground to the point of no return. These painful scenarios, though fiction, can take on an unsuspecting customer and make them lose trust in your business.

Indeed, maximizing the benefits of social media marketing can be a great way to not only have a competitive advantage, but also to continuously establish your brand. Inevitable pitfalls may emerge, but being prepared is the best way to combat them. When you least expect the attacks is the ripe time they emerge. Take the time to learn and understand the proper process, expertise, and resources to build a solid barrier against any form of threat that could compromise the security of your reputation and your customers on the internet.

This article has singled down five effective ways on how to stay well-geared and well-guarded across all social platforms you may use to advertise your business.

Way of the Social Media Moderator: Protect Your Brand Name on Social Media

These methods are the perfect stepping stones to minimizing possible damages and losses.

1. Encourage Employee Awareness

With a staggering 3.6 billion active users, social media is the place for everyone and everything— including your employees. There is a high chance that your company‘s confidential information may end up posted on the internet, and if you’re not careful it could pose a significant level of threat to the stability of your brand.

As their superior, one of your core tasks is to gather all your employees and provide a concise explanation on how social media plays a vital role in your company‘s growth and development. That said, it is paramount to never disclose any sensitive and confidential company information on any social media platform. Instead, your staff can be the voice of your company on the internet to ensure that you keep your momentum while increasing engagement.

Aside from keeping a company or business information confidential, teaching your employees how to interact online and create copies that are aligned with what you want your brand to look like would be a great way to keep your reputation game stronger. In a sense, when people see your employees acting in a positive manner, the more they will trust and support you. You will begin to look more human to them when you do this. It is better to have a company that relates to you rather than one that does not understand you, right?

2. Communicate with customers

One of the most important aspects to keep in mind when working on social media is to know how to secure all of your social media accounts.

It is best to hire a small group of individuals with the required expertise to handle your social media marketing efforts. This way, you can seamlessly secure the safety, security, and privacy of your brand while providing more uniform responses when interacting with customers.

In addition, limiting your official access to a small group of social media experts allows your pages to produce quality posts regularly. Working with a small group makes it easier for you to set up a guideline for them to follow when they create and share content with minimal mistakes based on your posting standards.

When customers understand you they are ready to listen to what you have to say. They also feel heard, which is great for projecting yourself as one who values the opinion of the clientele. This fortifies your brand protection on social media because you have customers to defend you when a troll or competitor tries to discredit you. Who would buyers believe? A fellow consumer or a big company? Admittedly, it depends, but you get the point.

3. Set Up A Strong Password for All Your Social Media Accounts

While it seems prolific to maximize the advantages of the internet, you should always keep an eye out to protect your professional reputation on social media.

When creating an account for your social media pages, it is essential to ensure that you know how to stay secure and protect your brand from social media attacks.

One great way to do this is by strengthening your account passwords.

While the majority of social media platforms require their users to have a strong password in place, it is often neglected by many. Society is continuously getting savvier and savvier with modern technology, making it easier for cybercriminals to devise newer ways to hack your accounts.

Here are some practical ways to create a more secure password:

  • Your password should always contain at least eight characters.
  • Add uppercase and lower cases to your password.
  • Also add symbols, numbers, or other permissible character combinations.
  • Avoid using common and predictable words and numbers such as 1234, qwerty, adminpass or even your birth date.
  • Don’t forget to update all your account passwords every four weeks or six months.


It’s better to have a complicated password than have a hacker do something to destroy your social media page.

4. Always Provide Correct and Honest Information

One of the best courses of action to effectively protect and monitor your brand on social media is to provide correct and truthful information on your social media accounts.

Always ensure that your social media experts don’t provide misleading information or too-good-to-be-true details to avoid causing further damage to your online reputation.Whatever your social media management team posts online should go through thorough checking and verification.

Customers who feel like they are getting honest replies start to build trust and later on become the very people who make your social media page prosper because of the sincerity they see in your posts and interactions.

5. Employ a Moderation Team

While employing a team of individuals to handle your online marketing efforts is a viable way to stay afloat, it always pays to know that hiring a moderation team can be your bread and butter in safeguarding your social media accounts from inappropriate and unnecessary user-generated content.

Content moderators serve as your first line of defense against malicious, abusive, and offensive content caused by internet trolls and people with hostile intent. They are your best bet when it comes to protecting your brand in the social media environment especially when UGC is involved.

With the internet as your backbone, finding the right person to moderate UGCs on your social media accounts has become easier these days. You can either choose to hire an in-house employee or outsource to an agency. Also, depending on your needs, some content moderation providers allow you to choose which services you need for your pages.

Still don’t know where to start?

You can check our moderation services!

Chekkee is a trusted moderation agency with a vast range of flexible moderation services. Depending on your business needs and budget, we provide efficient moderation solutions that will keep you from breaking the bank. Thanks to an expert team of  online content moderators in our arsenal, we assure you that we are highly capable of meeting your demands and expectations!

Are You Ready to Dominate the Social Media Landscape?

Isn’t it every business owner’s dream to preserve their reputation while also serving as an armoire of protection for customers against trolls and scammers?

There are still several other effective ways on how to protect your brand name on social media as well as on other internet platforms. Following the strategies enumerated in this article can be your starter pack to survive the cutthroat competition within the digital community.

This is your answer to the question: How to protect your brand from social media attacks? Think of this blog as your miniguide to aid you in your social media endeavors. Our pieces of advice will aid you in your company’s growth as you continue traversing through what is now considered as the largest content pool online.

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Merlene Leano Writer

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